This practice test from Whizlabs contains 275 unique questions divided into 5 full-length exams, which check your fundamental knowledge of cloud services, and how Microsoft Azure provides the cloud services, irrespective of any specific role. There are also 7 section tests with 35 unique questions, and they provide an exhaustive explanation with every question, which not only helps you AZ-900 Exam Dumps to learn why a correct option is correct but also why other options are not correct. When it comes to practice tests for Cloud certifications like Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, I trust Whizlabs. I have used Whizlabs in the past for passing several Java, and AWS certifications like OCAJP, OCPJP, AWS Solution Architect, AWS Cloud Practitioner, and it didn’t disappoint me on AZ-900 as well. Their reporting is also top-notch and really helps you to assess your strengths and weaknesses before the real exam. After a few tests, you will have enough ideas on which topics you need to prepare better.
Overall, one of the best exam simulators for the Azure AZ-900 certification exam, and I highly recommend it if you want to score in excess of 80%. Here is the link to join Whizlabs — Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-900 Certification Practice Test By the way, if you are preparing AZ-900 Dumps for certification, consider taking Whizlabs subscription which provides full access to all of their online training courses and practice tests for different certifications like AWS and Google Cloud with just $99 per annum (50% discount now). I highly recommend this subscription plan as Whizlabs has the best materials to prepare for IT certifications. 3. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) — Practice Tests This is another online course that provides the latest practice questions for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam with detailed explanations.
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